Wednesday, April 15, 2009

hello~ I am now cooking spags.
Waiting for the water to boil.
The weather is frigging hot.
Anyway was at NCC just now and Makesh (One sec one boy that i hate alot.)
Told me : "It's fun to irritate you cause you're serious."
I don't think so lo.
Serious people are boring.
No fun at all =l
Thus, I was very shocked to hear him say that.
Furthermore, alot of friend's also do not agree. I asked.
They all think I'm full of crap.
Maybe it's just in NCC.

Right. Anyway this day was fun. Was preparing for tomorrow's science activity day.
It's uber funny one lor.
Shan't elaborate. Later got sec 3's see :O
Anyway the permanent marker ink on my thumb won't go away.
tried wiping it, Scrubing, Washing.
with alcohol also won't go away.
I look like a freak with a purple thumb.
Later people think I'm toxic waste. O.M.G.

The sec 1's in NCC really pissing me off lor.
I believe that one day. Everybody I hate will die. That's when I'll conquer the world.

Oh oh. I found out i hate someone. A LOT !
Totally mother fucker-ish lor the person.
Shan't elaborate as some people that's not supposed to be reading reads it.

My plan on throwing something at his head failed. As was playing a game. Very distracting.

Right the water has been boiled. Bye.

P/s : I hope Makesh dies.
P/s/s : I feel like playing Pokemon.
P/s/s/s : I feel like destroying the earth.

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