Monday, April 27, 2009

walao wei.
Whats with the stupid weather.
Hot cold hot cold hot cold hot cold.
You're hot and you're cold~ You're yes and you're no~ You're in and You're out~
sorry. Out of point.

veli h0rt'xx euu n0ee.
Who insulted the weather god or something -storms-
I'm playing restaurant city on facebook !
for some stupid reason it's really fun.
Add me on face book k.
It's :D
let me get free ingredient.

Oh i feel like taking up roller blading.
anybody interested ? :3

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hey yo. I'm sick.
Woke up at like 1a.m. and couldn't sleep till like what. 3 ?
Woke up at like 8.15 after that.
Told step mom I'm sick.
She just asked me to eat Panadol.
And I'm supposed to go to school.
Then I was like.

But still went school.
Took cab.
Got on cab at 8.35
Reached school at 8.50
Which the bell was supposed to ring.
It rang at 9, god knows why.
So I wasn't late.
The bitch driver was driving so slowly I could have ran to school instead and be faster still.
Went home at 12.45 as wasn't feeling well.
Benda is an expert on polyclincs, mc's, which sickness give longer day mc, etc.etc.etc.
She even has plans like.
Leave school before 11. Go eat mac breakfast and then see doctor.
And she was like saying sore eyes = 2days mc -.-

Got home. Slept. Woke up at 3++
Went to see doctor at 4.30.
It was closed. Opens at 5.
Ate. Drank.
Went over again at 5.15 and there was a fudging queue !
Got my medicine and mc.
Went home.
Tried swallowing three tablets in one go.
I feel so dumb after that.

Thus today was a stupid day !

Shall blog about last Friday.
I was sleeping on my desk.
After Ms Santhi went out.
I sleep sleep sleep. -falls asleep-
Suddenly one mofo.
Comes to my table and
Oie lan la oie.
Bloody hell woke me up.
I know your girlfriend sitting there la, I sleep got wrong meh. Also no teacher
After the person OIED
I opened my eyes.
He sort of patted(?) my head.
Then I was like giving the WTF look. + The very pissed off look.
AND HE STILL CAN ASK ME :"Why you look so pissed?"
To make things worse. After i woke up. They started laughing.
Like wtf ? Wake people up funny ?
Why don't I call you at 3a.m. every bloody day. And start laughing when you pick up. Mofo.

Bleeding incompetant.
After that went for cip on sunday.
Another cip which sucked shit.

After the person in charge from the R.C. left me and Loong just slacked through the whole thing.

played Who what huh?
Loong and Vinod lost the most.
Seriously very funny.
Was being an ass slapping their hands very hard.
So during the final round which I lost.
They all slapped even harder.

Plus the weather was frigging hot.
I should be sick because of the weather.
I want Singapore to snow.
Oh yes, learnt how to rollerblade in 5mins.
During Saturday.
Costan was an idiot.
Tricia told me one sentence and I knew how to do it already.
While Costan just shouted and screamed. And nobody could do it.
He took two days to learn and expects people to learn it in like 30min.
Bleeding mofo.

He's advices for rollerblading smoothly were like.
Enough said.

Honestly, I still got alot of stuff to blog about.
But this post has been way too long.

Oh gawd I'm sweating like a swine.
Stupid fever.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

CIP = NOT FUN !!!!
walao wong still said "cip zhou bo one la just sit down do nothing"
In the end got chased by thirty over people. Pushed into the corner.
Tried to run, but there were too many people.
And my legs hurt like shit lor !!!
Keep stomping my foot.
Omg. Hurts like hell now.

And I found out I was the murderer !!
How ironic. I'm the victim and the murderer -.-

Mr Krishnan drew the outline of me as the murder victim.
Mr Cheong took lots of photo lo.
I wonder if I can get those pictures.

I seriously regretted.
I wish my legs are amputated.
My thumb was full of ink.
And we found out that Outram's girls are insanely mad.

Jun de and I were like some famous people getting chased around the school.
I bet it was harder than napfa lor.
Run and push and dodge all at the same time.

P/s : I do not one girls to chase me. Not in this manner at least.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

hello~ I am now cooking spags.
Waiting for the water to boil.
The weather is frigging hot.
Anyway was at NCC just now and Makesh (One sec one boy that i hate alot.)
Told me : "It's fun to irritate you cause you're serious."
I don't think so lo.
Serious people are boring.
No fun at all =l
Thus, I was very shocked to hear him say that.
Furthermore, alot of friend's also do not agree. I asked.
They all think I'm full of crap.
Maybe it's just in NCC.

Right. Anyway this day was fun. Was preparing for tomorrow's science activity day.
It's uber funny one lor.
Shan't elaborate. Later got sec 3's see :O
Anyway the permanent marker ink on my thumb won't go away.
tried wiping it, Scrubing, Washing.
with alcohol also won't go away.
I look like a freak with a purple thumb.
Later people think I'm toxic waste. O.M.G.

The sec 1's in NCC really pissing me off lor.
I believe that one day. Everybody I hate will die. That's when I'll conquer the world.

Oh oh. I found out i hate someone. A LOT !
Totally mother fucker-ish lor the person.
Shan't elaborate as some people that's not supposed to be reading reads it.

My plan on throwing something at his head failed. As was playing a game. Very distracting.

Right the water has been boiled. Bye.

P/s : I hope Makesh dies.
P/s/s : I feel like playing Pokemon.
P/s/s/s : I feel like destroying the earth.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

This is what happened this morning.
6 a.m. :
Recurrent alarm rings.
-Wakes up- -Presses snooze button instead of the off button-
-Falls Asleep- ...... 10 mins later.
Recurrent alarm rings.
-Wakes up- -Presses snooze button instead of the off button again.-
-Falls Asleep- .......10 mins later.
Recurrent alarm rings. AGAIN.
-Wakes up- -Presses snooze button instead of the off button AGAIN.-
-Falls Asleep- ........10 mins later.
Recurrent alarm rings.
-Wakes up-
-Picks up the phone-
-Offed the damned thing-
-THROWS it across the room.Hard.-
-Falls asleep-.
-Snapped awake-
-Loud thoughts and curses went through my mind, mostly thinking :WTF DID I JUST THREW MY PHONE-
-Eye scans across the room-
Phone landed on my bunny bag.
-Falls back asleep-
-Wakes up at 2.30p.m.-
-Thought for a few moments.-
-I'm such an idiot -.- -

I felt very dumb after that.
Anyway, today was a bore.
Think I'm gay now.


It's called handsome suit.
I don't see anything about the suit that's handsome lor.
so dumb please.
And then hor the guy must go in and then come out become more handsome.
first the suit is ugly. secondly the the guy that comes out from the suit becomes uglier.
How is that a handsome suit -_-

Talking about handsome-ness and ugliness, LETS ALL JOIN BENZ'S UPT !
Ugly People Team.
I have totally no idea why I'm in it !
It totally makes no sense.
As in. The group makes no sense.
-Roll eyes roll eyes-
For more information please visit

Right. I'm off to do something nonsensical again.
Tomorrow has school.
Hope I don't wake up at bloody 2.30p.m.
-Roll eyes roll eyes-

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks JueYu for helping do the template thing.
Which I have no idea how to play with.

I'm starting a new blog.
Because I was bored.
I bet people like Vinod S/o Panneer Selvam and Ashraf Ahmad are going to spam me.
Like they used to. Not that I care.

oh yeah since nobody is reading this cause nobody knows about this it'll be a short post.
ending with why i chose my url. (don't ask about the bird, I have no idea)

As of now. 0 people is reading this blog.
Why is what you may ask. Well cause nobody knows about it yet duh.
I'm just posting this so that i can preview templates.
I need to learn how to make one.
Blogger's templates suck shit.
When i search through blogskins, they are either very ugly.
OR they have stupid emo captions.
Which are so retarded.
I mean.
Why do you want to have a stupid caption !!
Utterly stupid.
Oh right. If you're reading this now, you have totally no life.
Because I think by writing such a long post for the stupid template is utterly stupid.
And "No-Lifey".
It's that or it's just me.
I choose it's just me.